

484 Uppsatser om Territorial stigma - Sida 1 av 33

Territoriell stigmatisering. En litteraturbaserad studie om möjligheten att använda begreppet ?territoriell stigmatisering? i förklaringsmodeller bakom ojämlikhet i hälsa.

Introduction: Public health is based on the determinants of health. They mutually influence each other. Structural factors and life conditions contribute to health inequality both within and between countries. Health inequality can be seen between different social groups, which can be the cause of differences in living conditions, health behavior and disease vulnerability. One of the consequences of this is segregation which means that certain groups live apart, where this distribution can be connected to economic resources and/or ethnicity.

Samarbetet mellan Ross Tensta Gymnasium och polisen : En kvalitativ undersökning om elevernas och polisens relation till varandra 

The purpose of the essay is to see if the pupils of Ross Tensta Gymnasium feel it is necessary to have an existing cooperation between the police and Ross Tensta Gymnasium. I would like to know how the cooperation works between Ross Tensta Gymnasium and the police and also if the cooperation is visible for the pupils. Furthermore I would like to know if it is necessary to have cooperation between schools and the police even though there are not any obligations to have any.The methodology I have been using is a qualitative analysis. The entire essay is based on interviews which I have recorded and later transcript it into writing. The theories which I have been using are Wacquant?s use of Territorial stigma and also the concept of us and the others in which Stuart Hall explains.

Ungdomar i Skärholmen och områdets territoriella stigma : en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning

Denna uppsats handlar om ungdomar boendes i de centrala delarna av stadsdelen Skärholmen i relation till områdets territoriella stigma. Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär baserad på djupintervjuer gjorda med sju stycken ungdomar, fyra unga män och tre unga kvinnor, angående den upplevda stigmatiseringen av området. Gemensamt för dessa ungdomar var att alla ville flytta från området och att alla talade om segregering i bemärkelsen avsaknaden av etniska svenskar som en stigmatiseringsaspekt av området. Eftersom den svenska allmänheten ofta utmålar ?invandrartäta områden? som något problematiskt i sig, innebär den höga andelen invandrare i Skärholmen att området stigmatiseras.

Dömd på förhand : Upplevelser av stigamtisering vid lungcancer

Lung cancer is a disease which patients experience stigma in society and in care. This is because lung cancer is often seen as a self-inflicted disease. The stigma surrounding lung cancer is due to the strong relationship with smoking and have been shown to have a negative impact on the perceived health. The purpose of this study was to illuminate experiences of stigma for patients with lung cancer. The literature review was based on 11 scientific articles.

DEN EUROPEISKA IDENTITETENS KOMPONENTER En kvantitativ analys p? vad som definierar den europeiska identiteten

The European identity plays an important role for the EU and especially within its will to further integrate its citizens, hence it is a way for individuals to not only identify with its nation, yet also with Europe. Previous research has already established that an individual can possess two territorial identities, such as a national and a European identity, above all it has established how the identities can equally interplay. Further it has been explained how territorial identities are composed of two aspects: civic and cultural. While the previous research has stated how the European identity possesses both aspects, though to varying degrees, little attention has been put to examine how individuals who possesses multiple territorial identification, defines its European identity. This study therefore aims to study which aspects, civic or cultural, individuals with a citizenship who possess multiple territorial identification, assign their European identity.

Depressionsstigma ur ett maskulint perspektiv : - spelar grad av depression och maskulinitet någon roll?

Kvinnor är överrepresenterade gällande depression, medan män är överrepresenterade inom andra problemområden såsom antisociala riskbeteenden, missbruk och suicid. Stigma skapat av maskulina ideal och könsnormer har förts fram som möjlig faktor till könsskillnaderna. Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka sambanden mellan depressiva symtom, depressionsstigma samt maskulinitet. Detta gjordes via en Internetenkät där 396 deltagare (245 kvinnor och 151 män) besvarade frågor som mätte dessa variabler. Studien fann inga könsskillnader gällande depression.

Brand: "Øresund" - analys av regionen som territorialiserad simulering

The topic of this thesis interest is the relation between branding as a place making/marketing technology and the process of regionalization. The main proposition advocated is that the officially communicated image of the Øresund Region, as a cohesive place and community, is a space that has been configured with branding and can be described as a territorial simulation. The concept of territorial simulation consists of two conjoined terms: simulation which aim at explaining the idiosyncratic brand image, as a social formation, which does not represent the place it imitates but commoditise it; and territorial which seeks to visualize the process of the unfolding of this image as a territory. The main argument is made in the third chapter, which traces the process of actualization of the brand image as a territory: ?Øresund?.

Hör du dåligt : En litteraturstudie om hörselskadade, stigma och socialpolitik

The purpose of this paper was to discuss stigma and stigmatisation in relation to social policy and social work. By discussing welfare systems in social policy I wanted to see if there could be any connection between social policy and stigma. I used case studies of hearing impaired adults to give examples of how the stigma processes work. By connecting the stigma and the social policy theories with the case studies I wanted to see how the social policy could affect the stigma processes or vice versa.In the paper the concept of stigma has been described and discussed, foremost using the theories of Erving Goffman. I have also discussed the welfare system and the connection between residual systems and stigma.

Identitetssökande katalaner. En kvalitativ studie om katalaners flernivåidentifikation

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how Catalans´ identifications, with respect to their city (Barcelona), their region (Catalonia), their country (Spain) and Europe, are related to each other. Furthermore it deals with whether they use cultural or civic notations when they speak of their identification with the different territorial levels.The thesis is based on a qualitative method with interviews with ten Catalans living in Barcelona, aged from 18 to 58. The result showed that Catalans´ identifications with different territorial levels vary in how they relate to each other. This variation can be classified using three models, namely; ?The Russian doll model? which implies that the identities are ranked hierarchically, ?cross-cutting? that is people can identify themselves with the different levels depending on various situations, and also ?The marble cake model? which means that the different identities are so intertwined that they cannot be separated.

Stigmatisering av depression och dess inverkan på vårdsökandeprocessen ? En litteraturstudie

Introduction: The relationship between depression and stigma is known to cause suffering among the depressed population. Depression is also one of the most common diagnoses in the world. Stigma caused by society leads to people being divided into groups which in term results in a general loss of status and discrimination. Aim: To identify the stigma of depression and its impact on help-seeking behaviour and to identify the underlying attitudes. Method: We chose to make a literature review to explore and compile the current research on the subject.

Kvinnors upplevelser och hantering av utbrändhet

The aim of this essay is to investigate what is burnout and how women who are affected by it manage their condition. Furthermore, we have investigated stigma and whether or not those affected by burnout are in turn stigmatised.A qualitative approach has been used to achieve our aims with this project. To support our analysis we have interviewed ten women who all have been diagnosed with fatigue syndrome along with studying relevant literature. The main theories used in this investigation are the symbolic interaktionism by G.H Mead, the term stigma by Erving Goffman and different theories on coping.The results show that the majority of women in the study had suffered from burnout due to work related stress and changes in their working environment. How they coped with and recovered from the condition depended on their own activity and how it related to their own support system.

Sociala problem formulerade i hiphop : En innehållsanalys av samtida svensk hiphopmusik

Denna studie har undersökt hur sociala problem beskrivs inom samtida svensk hiphopmusik. Syftet var att öka kunskapen om hur sociala problem formuleras. Därför har studien syftat till att undersöka vilken social problematik som beskrivs i hiphoptexterna samt hur och varför redogörelserna ser ut som de gör. I studien användes en innehållsanalys för att analysera 105 svenska hiphoptexter. Goffmans teori om stigma och Wacquants begrepp territoriellt stigma har applicerats vid analysen av de empiriska resultaten. Resultaten visar att svensk hiphopmusik tar upp sju sociala problem; missbruk, rasism, fattigdom, kriminalitet, utanförskap, prostitution samt hemlöshet.

En geopolitisk återkomst : Kultur, ekonomi och territoriell konstruktion i samband med inomstatliga konflikter

Through geopolitical theory this thesis explores how conflicts within states can be read and understood according to an analytical model determining one or several possible causes for the conflict.  The model is created by the author and reflects geopolitical theory by giving three possible explanations to an intrastate conflict: culture, economy or territorial construction. The aim of the thesis is testing this model on two selectively chosen case studies ? i.e. two intrastate conflicts ? namely: the upcoming referendum in Scotland and the terror attack at Tiananmen Square in China.

Stigma vid psykisk sjukdom ? upplevelser, attityder och åtgärder

Stigmatisering av personer med psykisk sjukdom är ett utbrett problem i världen. Det leder till svårigheter i återhämtning och tillfrisknande samt sänkt självkänsla och social förmåga. Individer med psykisk ohälsa upplever sig särbehandlade, både i vården och i samhället. Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att belysa stigmatiseringens roll hos psykiskt sjuka med fokus på psykossjukdom och vad sjuksköterskan kan göra för att stärka empowerment. Studien är baserad på 20 vetenskapliga artiklar som granskats med fokus på upplevelser av psykisk sjukdom, utanförskap, vårdares attityder och metoder för att stärka empowerment.

Incidenter på svenskt sjöterritorium : En analys av de åtgärder som vidtagits vid incidenter orsakade av Öst- respektive Västblocken under 1960-talet

Sweden has long been nonaligned in peace with the aim to remain neutral in the event of an outbreak of war. Building confidence for this neutrality was important for Sweden during the Cold War. This placed high demands on the Swedish Navy to detect and repel violations of Swedish territorial waters. The archives, which contain the secret reports on the violations that occurred during the 1960s, have recently been opened up.The purpose of this essay is to study how the incidents that took place in Swedish territorial waters in the 1960s were managed and to examine if the handling of them was different depending on whether they were caused by the east or west side. Furthermore, the aim is also to try to categorize and interpret these measures from the two pairs of concepts of deterrence and reassurance and integration and screening.In making it possible to answer the questions, all the reports - 66 altogether - which refers to the incidents which occurred during the years 1962 through 1969, have been studied.

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